Options For A Chipped Tooth

A tooth is said to be chipped when a part of it fractures away. Having a chipped tooth is more or less one of the most embarrassing feelings anyone could have if the tooth is in the front of your mouth. Aside from the fact that it can prevent you from giving a radiant smile, it might make eating more…

How To Clean Your Dentures

No matter how far we have advanced in the world dental technology, some of the most basic questions remain to be the most important. A good example of this is the question; ‘what’s the best way to clean dentures?’ To start with, a denture is simply a replacement device for missing tooth/teeth and tissues surrounding teeth. There some options available…

Teeth Whitening Procedures; Do They Really Work

For centuries, having a brighter smile and whiter teeth has been always been desirable; from the primitive days when the Egyptians used wine vinegar mixed with pumice to brighten their smiles; to their Roman counterparts, who used urine to ensure their teeth got whiter. Just as it was back then, whiter teeth still remain a sought-after goal for many modern…

3 Reasons Why You Need Regular Dental Checkups

Taking out time to visit the dentist, even when everything seems to be going so well with your mouth and teeth, is never one of those activities that readily gets ticked on the “to-do” list of so many people. However, not visiting a dentist for periodic and regular oral checkup becomes a more problematic issue as the more time goes…

Tooth Sensitivity and Over The Counter Remedies

Have you ever experienced any form of pain or tingling in the course of eating, drinking or brushing your teeth? If yes, you may have sensitive teeth; in other words, you are suffering from “teeth sensitivity.”  Your experience of the tingling and painful effect may also be temporary one, but that doesn’t mean you should take it as nothing serious….

Pregnancy Dental Care Tips

The period of pregnancy can be likened to a time in the life of every woman when she feels like eating her cake and having it at the same time. It is a phase where you are perfect now and can’t really tell how you feel the next minute. The joy of seeing your bundle of joy in few months…

Tips to a Healthier Smile

You probably have heard the phrase “tips to healthy teeth” numerous times. And, considering the subject matter of this write-up, some would wonder if there are really any tips for a healthy smile. In this case, the simple answer is, yes! There are ways to have and also maintain a healthy smile.  However, before going into the details of the…

Root Canals Can Be Painless

Are you scared because all you’ve heard and possibly read about a root canal sums up as “extremely painful” and you have been booked for one by your dentist? Then this is the very article you should be reading because root canals can actually be painless! The sometimes unbearable pain that comes from an infected tooth has led many to…