general dental
Tooth Sensitivity and Over The Counter Remedies

Tooth Sensitivity and Over The Counter Remedies

Have you ever experienced any form of pain or tingling in the course of eating, drinking or brushing your teeth? If yes, you may have sensitive teeth; in other words, you are suffering from “teeth sensitivity.”  Your experience of the tingling and painful effect may also be temporary one, but that doesn’t mean you should take it as nothing serious. The brief discomfort experienced is just an indication that something is wrong and it might get worse if no action is taken.

However, with the consideration that teeth sensitivity may be pointing towards reduced efficiency of sections of the mouth like degrading tooth enamel, among others, becomes vital to take timely remedial actions.

Fortunately, efforts of various health practitioners, has led to the availability of diverse dental remedies today at your local drug store. Research suggests that the over-the-counter (OTC) medications happen to be one of the most used remedial options. There is, however, a need to be cautious about the usage of such OTC options.

Possible OTC remedies for teeth sensitivity include;

  • Desensitizing toothpaste. Desensitizing toothpaste can help reduce or even block pain associated with sensitive teeth. There are a variety of products available over-the-counter.
  • Fluoride. Your dentist might apply fluoride directly to the sensitive areas of your teeth to strengthen tooth enamel and reduce pain. He or she might also suggest the use of prescription fluoride at home, applied via a custom tray or as a toothpaste. Ask your dentist for options.

When over the counter options just don’t help your particular situation your dentist may offer;

  • Desensitizing or bonding. Sometimes an exposed root surface can be treated by applying a bonding resin to sensitive root area. A local anesthetic might be necessary depending on location and your teeth sensitivity level.
  • Surgical gum graft. If your tooth root has lost gum tissue, a small amount of gum tissue can be removed from one part of your mouth and attached to the affected site. This can protect exposed roots and reduce sensitivity. This is an extreme option which depends on your personal situation.
  • Root canal. If your sensitive teeth cause severe pain and other treatments aren’t effective, your dentist might ultimately recommend a root canal — a procedure to remove the root or nerve inside your tooth.

With the knowledge of possible OTC dental remedy for teeth sensitivity, it still becomes necessary to outline its possible causes. At least, this will provide some cue in reducing the possibility of reoccurrences in the future.

  • Tooth decay can be lead to teeth sensitivity due to the exposure of nerves in the middle of each tooth.
  • Excessive brushing or using hard toothbrush can damage the enamel over time
  • Build-up plagues among the tooth will eventually result in gum disease.
  • Too much acidic food and drinks without proper dental hygiene
  • Grinding or clenching of teeth can also weaken the enamel
  • Unprofessional dental work may also cause damage that will start surfacing through teeth sensitivity

More importantly, don’t overlook the necessity to carry your dentist along and even let him/her be the one to prescribe ideal OTC remedies for you based on professionalism. You would be surprised that most OTC remedies come with different prescriptions and usage; so, it’s best to involve your dentist all through the process. Next time you come to Angel Dental in El Monte, ask us about your options for your sensitive teeth. Call us 626-444-2002





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