All You Need To Know About Root Canal

What is a Root Canal? A root canal is a treatment sequence for the infected pulp of a tooth caused due to decaying. The reason of decay may be low calcium levels or poor oral hygiene. It is important to get the decaying tooth treated on time as delaying the treatment can result in infected gums and abscesses. The root…

What Is Sedation Dentistry

Do you feel your body shake and tense up with fear at the thought of going to the dentist and having your teeth drilled and cleaned? Would you rather tolerate the pain and anguish of a toothache or be brave enough to step into your dentist’s clinic? Don’t be hard on yourself, you’re not alone. Many people fear and have…

Removable or Fixed Implant Dentures

Dentures help retain your jawbone and obstruct further deterioration. Apart from that, they help improve and enhance your appearance. Even missing a single tooth and not having it replaced can lead to distorted chin,lips, and wrinkly skin. Denture implants, also referred to as full mouth dental implants or implant-supported dentures offer options; removable or fixed.Although they both offer certain pros…

Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

Dental X-rays, also known as radiographs, are images taken of your teeth so your dentist can impeccably assess your oral health and identify problems such as cavities and tooth decay. These X-rays are used to capture pictures of the insides of your gum and teeth keeping the level of radiation in mind. Why Dental X-Rays Have To Be Performed Typically,…

The Right Time to Visit Your Dentist for Bleeding Gums

After brushing your teeth, you may become alarmed to see blood in your bathroom sink. However, there’s no need for you to panic. All you need to do is schedule an appointment with your dentist. What Is the Reason for Gums to Bleed Usually, gums bleed because something aggravates them. There are some common reasons that cause the gums to…

How to Keep Your Teeth Squeaky Clean with Braces

Although it’s already important to regularly brush and floss your teeth properly, it’s even more so when you have braces. You may be brushing and flossing your teeth, but it is essential you do it the right way. Otherwise, it will make no difference whether you brush your teeth or not. So, what’s the right way to brush your teeth…

Choosing The Right Toothbrush

When dinnertime is over, it’s time to take a bath, brush your teeth and get into bed. There’s no question about it. It’s a part of our everyday routine. But have you ever stopped to think if you are using the right toothbrush? Is your toothbrush doing an excellent job in brushing away all the food particles that have stuck…

Signs You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Having your wisdom teeth come in your later stages of life is natural. It is meant to emerge and complete your 32 set of teeth. Normally, wisdom teeth are expected to grow out in the ages between 17 and 25. It comes totally unexpected. To most of the people, the emergence of wisdom teeth causes a nagging pain that goes…

5 Signs That You Need To See the Dentist

If you have to think for long to remember when your last visit to the dentist was, then it is highly recommended you plan a visit soon. If it has been too long, and you are too embarrassed about seeing a dentist now, always remember that it is never too late to see a dentist unless you experience following 5…

3 Quick Tips to Improving Your Dental Routine

In our today’s fast-paced life, dental hygiene is something that can be easily missed. It takes a few minutes of your whole day to brush your teeth, however, doing it effectively along with improving your dental routine with a few simple tips can have a significant impact on your overall health. While the regular dental visit is necessary but your…