Angel Dental Care Blog


Tooth Abscess

A tooth abscess is a pocket of pus that’s caused by a bacterial infection. The abscess can occur at different regions of the tooth for different reasons. A periapical abscess occurs at the tip of the root, whereas a periodontal  abscess occurs in the gums at the side of a tooth root. The information here refers specifically to periapical abscesses….

Dental Implant Basics

What are implants? Dental implants are a dental technique that allows the replacement of a natural tooth with an artificial one. An implant consists of a particular screw made of titanium which, through surgery, is inserted into the bone, replacing the root of the missing tooth. The implant joins with the bone and after about a month it will be…

All About Filling a Cavity

Dental filling understood as an operative procedure, is a restorative technique aimed at filling a cavity created in a tooth following a pathological or traumatic event, in order to recover its original function and morphology. The procedure often requires the execution of a local anesthesia, and therefore the removal of any pathological material that may be present, the filling of…

How to Know If You Have Gum Disease?

Healthy oral hygiene goes far beyond just white and spotless teeth. While you’re awaiting qualification as the individual with the healthiest pearly whites, you often tend to neglect other equally important aspects of your oral health, namely your gums. Gum health is considered a vital pillar for both dental and holistic wellbeing as major predatory forces camp in and under…

Dentures – Your Affordable Solution to Tooth Loss!

In the United States, less than half of all adults have all of their permanent teeth left in their mouths. As people age, the chance of them losing or missing teeth inevitably becomes higher. Tooth loss is a realistic fear that most adults face as they grow older. It has been found that almost two-thirds of all adults between the…

The 5 Most Common Dental Emergencies and How to Prevent Them

Accidents are unavoidable. They happen far more frequently than we’d like to admit. Dental accidents are one of the most common injuries that inflict the vast majority of people in their everyday routines. Whether it is a minor tooth chip from some harmless rough-housing with your sibling, from a strong blow to the face during contact sports, or even more…

Braces vs Invisalign

It happens all the time. Whether you like it or not, you’re often judged by the way you look and the way you decide to present yourself. Although beauty is whole-heartedly in the eye of the beholder, it may be close to impossible to not make snap judgments about someone looking by the way they dress, their hairstyle, or even…

Fun Games To Get Your Kids To Brush Their Teeth

Whether your kiddo’s teeth have just budded, are burgeoning with great success, or already has a mouthful, dental care is important to strengthen the teeth and prevent the risk of cavities. However, helping your child install the importance of oral care into their youthful noggins can be challenging. Heck, even adults find it difficult. Most children lack the coordination to…