How To Maintain and Clean Your Invisalign Trays

Cleaning InvisilignInvisalign aligners have taken over other methods of straightening crooked teeth and continue to be a popular choice. The reason why it has become so popular is its low visibility as compared to braces that are visible. One of the greatest benefits of invisalign aligners is its ability to be removed whenever you want to. You can remove it while you eat, however, this does not prevent the invisalign aligners from getting dirty. Most users usually face difficulty in maintaining and cleaning them.

Keeping the aligners clean is an important part of the treatment and cleaning them properly is the only way to keep them free of germs, odorless and invisible. If you are not cleaning the Invisalign aligners properly, it will eventually get discolored and start producing odor. Moreover, plaque will build up inside the invisalign tray that can harm teeth enamel. You need to maintain your oral hygiene to stay healthy. If you have Invisalign aligners and are struggling to understand how to maintain them, then here are some simple tips that will help you in keeping them clean.

1.   Avoid Drinking and Eating With Invisalign Tray On

If you eat with your invisalign aligners on, then it is evident that food particles will enter into the tray and remain there until you remove and wash them away. Drinks such as coffee and red wine can easily stain your invisalign tray. The tint on the tray will make it visible; this is why it is advised to remove them before you eat or drink.

2.   Clean Invisalign Tray and Teeth Every Day

During the night, bacteria starts building up in our mouth; this is why we brush teeth every morning to keep them germ-free. If you are wearing invisalign aligners during the night, then wash them every morning while you are brushing your teeth. Don’t forget to repeat the cleaning process every night too.

3.   Soak the Invisalign Tray

In order to deeply cleanse the invisalign tray, soak it in Invisalign cleaning crystal or denture cleaner. This will clean the lining of plaque inside the tray and also sanitize it. If you soak the invisalign tray every day, you will prevent plaque from building up.

4.   Do Not Use Toothpaste to Clean Invisalign Tray

Using toothpaste for brushing teeth is the best way to keep them clean, but using it for cleaning the invisalign aligners is not a good idea.  Most of the toothpastes contain color pigments that can stain your Invisalign tray. Moreover you should also avoid colored mouthwashes so your invisalign try does not get tinted.

Take Care Of Yourself

Cleaning the invisalign tray properly will not only prevent it from discoloring but also keep away the bacteria from building up in your mouth. Along with aligning the crooked teeth, you can make them sparkle with little effort and attention. Your negligence can not only harm the Invisalign tray but also your teeth and gums. If you want to stay healthy and want your smile to be perfect then you need to start taking oral hygiene seriously.

Visit Angel Dental in El Monte, Ca.

If you are interested in more information on Invisilign, call us at Angel Dental 626-444-2002 and let’s set up an appointment to discuss. We are easy to get to in El Monte, Ca. and the surrounding Los Angeles area. We also accept Care Credit financing for dental work.



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