Caring For Baby Teeth

Caring For Baby Teeth Though we all had them at one point or another, most of us can’t remember the pertinent details of our baby teeth.  Rest assured, a review of a few key information points will give you all you need to know to take care of your little one’s new teeth, and hygiene routine. What is the purpose…

Top 7 Dental Health No No’s!

Top 7 Dental Health No No’s! When it comes to oral hygiene and dental health practices, there are the usual suspects of dental care that most people have at least heard about.  These include brushing your teeth at least twice per day, flossing between teeth, and making sure that you keep up routine dental visits at least twice per year. …

What To Do With a Chipped Tooth!

What To Do With a Chipped Tooth! One of the most common but unexpected dental emergencies happens when an individual experiences a chipped, or even completely broken tooth.  Teeth chips or breaks can be acquired in a number of ways, but frequent occurrences can be the result of a nasty fall, being struck in the face, biting hard or incorrectly,…

Afraid to Get a root Canal? This Information Will Help!

Afraid To Get A Root canal?  This Information Will Help! More than any other dental procedure, people everywhere seem to be afraid of the root canal.  What most people don’t know, is that the fabled story of the awful and painful root canal contains a lot of inaccuracies that are blown out of proportion.  Much of the pain and difficulty…

All About Bad Breath

All About Bad Breath! Everyone experiences it at one time or another, and absolutely nobody wants to get caught with it.  Bad breath, also known as Halitosis, can spring up almost arbitrarily.  But with a bit of dental knowledge, you can indeed pinpoint exactly what the cause of your bad breath is and you can understand exactly what you can…

Teeth and Thumb Sucking In Young Children

Teeth and Thumb Sucking In Young Children Children around the globe all do it. Thumb sucking.  It’s a natural habit progression for an inquisitive infant who puts everything they can find in their mouth, and who has been taught to be soothed by a pacifier.  The thumb sucking stage can very easily become a stubborn habit in a very short…

Dental Issue: Sensitive Teeth

Dental Issue: Sensitive Teeth One of the most common complaints that we hear in our dental office is that of a patient having tooth sensitivity.  Also referred to as dentin hypersensitivity, this often taxing condition at times can arise from ingesting either hot or cold foods (or air), sweet or sour foods, and at other times this sensitivity can even…

3 Warning Signs Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth!

3 Warning Signs Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth! It’s one of the most popular and most consistently asked dental subjects that we receive from our patients, and oftentimes the source of much confusion.  Wisdom teeth.  How are they supposed to behave?  When are they supposed to appear, and how can I know if they would be better off removed, or if…

The Ultimate Toothpaste Guide!

The Ultimate Toothpaste Guide! Toothpaste.  It’s one of the most elementary and fundamental building blocks of an effective oral hygiene routine, and selecting the right toothpaste can set you on the perfect path to achieving oral hygiene success.  Available in paste or gel form, toothpaste is known to keep your teeth clean, healthy, and bacteria free.  But what most of…

Fear of the Dentist! How to get over it.

If you are one of the thousands of individuals who have a fear of visiting the dentist, you are not alone. Whether it be from negative past experiences, a fear of needles, or even from feeling like you’re not in control, dental phobias keep you away from vital checkups and can end up being more detrimental to your health than…