The Ultimate Toothpaste Guide!
The Ultimate Toothpaste Guide!
Toothpaste. It’s one of the most elementary and fundamental building blocks of an effective oral hygiene routine, and selecting the right toothpaste can set you on the perfect path to achieving oral hygiene success. Available in paste or gel form, toothpaste is known to keep your teeth clean, healthy, and bacteria free. But what most of us don’t know is exactly what goes into a good toothpaste, and why one might be selected over another. Let’s take a look at some key elements of good toothpastes and at some different types that might suit you best.
What’s in it?
Most toothpaste formulations contain the same base formula elements including detergents that remove dirt and debris from your tooth enamel, and humectants that help to retain moisture while the detergents do their job. Other items found in a toothpaste formulation include optional flavorings, that may or may not include artificial sweeteners, and thickeners that assist with the spread and distribution of the paste or gel.
One ingredient that is in many toothpastes, and that has weathered a great amount of debate and discussion is fluoride. Known for assisting in the prevention of tooth decay and in the prevention of plaque formation, Fluoride has long been a mainstay in the dental health industry. That doesn’t stop the concern around the ingredient. The best way to ensure optimal toothpaste selection when it comes to fluoride is to look for a formulation that has a minimum of 1000 parts per million. If your toothpaste has received the American Dental Association’s (ADA) stamp of approval, you know you’re in good shape.
Tartar control
Tartar, also commonly referred to as plaque, is a hardened buildup that adheres to the surface of your teeth or that lodges between teeth, and that can be very difficult to remove. Though routine cleanings from our dental office every six months will go a long way towards keeping tartar in control, it is very important that do your part by selecting the correct toothpaste. Formulations that include phosphorylates or zinc citrate are excellent plaque inhibitors, and formulations with Triclosan kill key bacteria that can lead to plaque buildup.
Specialty formulations
A number of specialty toothpaste formulations exist to suit the tastes and needs of various niche users. Whether it is a specific flavoring that is used, or a whitening element that is included, these items are largely selections of preference, and best picked via trial and error. One specialty formulation that may be of great use to those with oral sensitivities are toothpastes that contain potassium nitrate or strontium chloride. These formulations cannot only assist with dental pain relief, but in many cases they are also excellent for prevention of acid erosion.
Armed with this knowledge, the best way to select the ideal toothpaste is to carefully consider the specific dental needs of you and the members of your family. With so many excellent options, you are sure to find something that works excellently for you!