Cosmetic Dentistry
Are Dental Implants Painful?

Are Dental Implants Painful?

Dental ImplantsAre Dental Implants Painful?

Thinking about dental implant surgery to replace damaged or missing teeth, but worried about how bad it will hurt or the process involved afterwards?

These are common worries. However, most patients say the procedure doesn’t hurt, and discomfort is negligible. Implants are growing in popularity because they allow patients a natural, lasting smile and are giving them the freedom to live and eat without holding back. As with any surgery, there is some minimal pain involved but varies greatly from patient to patient. Most patients consider the result worth the trouble. Here are a few concerns and questions that are often raised by patients who are about to go for implants.

What’s the procedure?

Dental implant surgery usually takes place over the course of a few months. Most of the time is spent waiting, during which, the doctor and patient work together for a desirable outcome. Here is a very simplified outline of the process;

  • The dentist will meet you in person and examine your teeth and discuss the best plan for your personal needs.
  • Depending on the plan agreed to by both you and your dentist, you will schedule an appointment for your first visit which may entail removal of any teeth that are part of your plan for dental implants.
  • There maybe some time to let the gums heal from extractions. There also maybe some sizing and fittings for the mold specifically for you mouth during this time. Your mouth and gums will be sized to create the best fitting and looking teeth you can imagine. Sizing does not hurt at all.
  • Once the gums are ready for the implants, an incision is made, the implant is placed into the jawbone, which allows the implant to replace the root. The implant is actually a metal post that will act as an anchor for the molded new beautiful teeth.
  • Once the implant is in position, the gums are sealed using stitches. The healing period is usually of three to six months, during this time the jawbone will firm around the implant. Often, temporary crowns are placed to make drinking, eating, and smiling possible. This is the hard part but you are almost done at this pint.
  • The final step involves placing of an abutment on the implant, which acts as an extension of the implant metal post. This is the molded teeth that are unique to your new smile.

How Painful is the Process?

The process itself is trouble-free, as your dentist will use local or general anesthesia to numb your gums and jaws. Any questions about pain or discomfort should be discussed in advance, during and after your procedure with your dentist.

You might hear or feel tools being used, and if you’re sensitive about it, you can ask your dentist regarding the available sedative options to relax you during the process. Most patients opt for general anesthesia, which allows them to be unconscious during the whole process.

Is There Any Post Surgery Pain?

Pain significantly varies depending on the complexity of the operation. If prior to the procedure a patient has undergone a bone graft or sinus lift, then additional painfulness is to be expected after the surgery. Again, this will vary and be dependent upon the plan you and your dentist created just for you.

Some of the common side effects include bruising, swelling, and bleeding to a certain degree depending on your bone and gum health. Healing procedure also varies from patient to patient.

The primary period of swelling is first the 3-5 days and pain should go after 7-10 days.

If any sign of the unusual pain stays after the timeline mentioned above, then it is advised to consult your dentist immediately, and if the pain still persists after 2-3 weeks. then immediate attention is required.

How to Relieve the Pain?

Here we are talking about the first ten days of pain and swollenness. It is advised that if your pain persists for more than ten days then don’t try home remedies, instead consult your dentist.

  1. Find a skilled dentist -This goes without saying and is the number one way to avoid pain. Instead of saving some bucks, it is advised to consult a dentist who has extensive training and experience in the field. At Angel Dental in El Monte we specialize in dental implants and have specialists work with you throughout your procedure.
  2. Follow post-procedure instructions –Your dentist knows better, period! Follow the instructions carefully and if you have any concerns, share with your dentist immediately.
  3. Don’t try something just because you read it online – This includes us too. If you think something is going to help, share it with your dentist first and then only apply it.
  4. Use Ice Packs – Your dentist will probably tell you about it. Applying cold items is a great way to reduce the feeling of pain as it reduces blood flow, which can substantially reduce inflammation and swelling.
  5. Take adequate amount of calories – Majority of patients go easy on their diet, as it gets difficult to chew food. However, you should be mindful of your daily requirements. If you are unable to chew properly, make sure to fulfill your daily quota through liquid diet. Opt for healthy beverages and soft food to recover fast.
  6. Sleep Tight –Increase your sleep hours because that is when you recover the most. Enjoy ample amounts of rest and sleep sound so you can heal better.

As long as you keep your focus on the basics and follow your dentist’s instructions, hopefully things will go smooth, and If you are planning to have a dental implant, then we wish you the very best. Remember, dental implants are done on thousands of patients every year. The results speak for themselves in the happier improved quality of life with a bright beaming smile. Please call us for a consultation and let’s create a new smile for you at Angel Dental of El Monte 626-444-2202.


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