Energy Drinks and Your Teeth

The increasing consumption of energy drinks has continually been on the rise in recent times. Though the drinks are said to serve specific purposes but have you ever wondered what effect the drinks might be having on your teeth? Yes, your teeth!  Various sources overtime are also passing across information that not only does energy drink affect the wellness of…

Young Kids and Cavities – What’s Normal?

Cavities occur when the food particles left on the teeth have not been brushed away after eating. The acid starts to collects on the teeth and slowly softens its enamel until a hole, better known as a cavity, starts to form. At times, we do not realize that a cavity has formed in the teeth. Upon the routine checkup, the…

Dry Mouth and Teeth Health

Dry Mouth and Teeth Health Xerostomia also known as dry mouth is not just a common symptom, but is a condition that can lead to severe health issues if it’s left untreated and can have an adverse impact on your teeth. Dry mouth usually occurs when you are nervous, upset or stressed. It can generally turn into a long term…

The Anatomy Of Tooth Decay

The Anatomy Of Tooth Decay It is one of the most commonly encountered dental issues.  Cavities.  Though getting at least one cavity happens to most of us at least once, some unfortunate others face recurring instances of oftentimes, painful tooth decay.  These individuals get cavities despite best efforts towards maintaining a well thought out, thorough oral hygiene regimen.  Since the…