How to Know If You Have Gum Disease?

Healthy oral hygiene goes far beyond just white and spotless teeth. While you’re awaiting qualification as the individual with the healthiest pearly whites, you often tend to neglect other equally important aspects of your oral health, namely your gums. Gum health is considered a vital pillar for both dental and holistic wellbeing as major predatory forces camp in and under…

What does it mean when my gums hurt when I brush my teeth?

Hurting gums is a big discouragement to anyone during teeth brushing. Irrespective of the level of understanding one has on the importance of teeth brushing, those twinges and tingles that come with brushing make teeth brushing appear like something to be totally avoided. You may be swift to pay your dentist a visit when you notice a problem with your…

Top 5 Warning Signs of Gum Infection

Gum infections, also known as gum disease or periodontal disease is more common then you might think. The Journal of Dental Research estimates that nearly half of adults have experienced some form of mild to serious gum infection! While we all know that what you eat weighs heavily on oral health, what many don’t know is that there are several…