Fun Games To Get Your Kids To Brush Their Teeth

Whether your kiddo’s teeth have just budded, are burgeoning with great success, or already has a mouthful, dental care is important to strengthen the teeth and prevent the risk of cavities. However, helping your child install the importance of oral care into their youthful noggins can be challenging. Heck, even adults find it difficult. Most children lack the coordination to…

Young Kids and Cavities – What’s Normal?

Cavities occur when the food particles left on the teeth have not been brushed away after eating. The acid starts to collects on the teeth and slowly softens its enamel until a hole, better known as a cavity, starts to form. At times, we do not realize that a cavity has formed in the teeth. Upon the routine checkup, the…

Children; Broken, Chipped or Knocked Out Teeth

Children; Broken, Chipped or Knocked Out Teeth Accidents involving the teeth and face are common among children. Children have the tendency to be active while growing up as they haven’t fully developed their motor skills and coordination making accidents unavoidable at times. The most common age that children have teeth injury is between the ages of 2- 5 years. When…

Caring For Baby Teeth

Caring For Baby Teeth Though we all had them at one point or another, most of us can’t remember the pertinent details of our baby teeth.  Rest assured, a review of a few key information points will give you all you need to know to take care of your little one’s new teeth, and hygiene routine. What is the purpose…