Braces vs Invisalign

It happens all the time. Whether you like it or not, you’re often judged by the way you look and the way you decide to present yourself. Although beauty is whole-heartedly in the eye of the beholder, it may be close to impossible to not make snap judgments about someone looking by the way they dress, their hairstyle, or even…

Why Invisalign is the right choice for you?

Straight teeth are undeniably a valuable asset, and a rare asset at that. Perfectly aligned teeth are one of the key elements that form the makeup of a beautiful smile and can be a game-changer for your confidence, self-worth, and social relationships. Albeit, not many people are gifted with a natural set of straight, pearly whites. In fact, a study…

Clear or Metal Braces? What’s The Difference?

The aspect of dentistry that deals or specializes with the diagnosis and correction of irregular positioned teeth and jaws is referred to as orthodontics. Dental braces are instruments used by dentists in orthodontic treatment for different reasons, but the most predominant use of braces is for the correction of irregular or maloccluded (crooked) teeth. Malocclusion occurs when the two jaws…