Dental Bridge Vs. Dental Implants: Pros and Cons

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a treatment for a lost tooth which could either be due to a periodontal disease or an injury. In this treatment, a titanium post similar to a screw is inserted into the jawbone through a small surgery. The dental implant osseointegrates into the jawbone and forms a strong bond, this process usually takes around 3 to 6 months. After the completion of this process, an abutment is attached to the post frame; this helps to make the affected gum obvious so that the dental crown can be fixed.

Types of Implants

  1. Subperiosteal implants
  2. Endosteal implants

Pros of Dental Implant

Low maintenance

The best thing about dental implant is that it will last for a lifetime if proper care and basic oral hygiene is maintained.

Natural appearance

Dental implants are artificial but they function and look exactly like a natural tooth. With dental implant, you can eat and laugh the way you used to without having to worry about its appearance.

Jawbone remains protected

You will be left with an open space once your tooth goes missing. The open space can lead to condition of the jawbone to deteriorate. The growth of the jawbone is preserved with the help of a dental implant.

Cons of Dental Implant

Surgery is required

The dental implant needs to be fixed into the jawbone and this cannot be done without surgery. Most surgeries possess threats if not conducted carefully. It can result in nerve damage, infection, fractured jaw, and more similar damages.


The complete dental implant procedure does not finish in just a single appointment.  It would take around 3 to 6 months to heal the implant, after that the crown will be attached.

Costly treatment

The cost of the treatment will vary depending on the severity of the tooth loss. At Angel Dental, we do offer Care Credit financing that can help you with the costs of this treatment. The costs range from a few hundred dollars and upwards, but remember it does depend on how many teeth, and your personal situation.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridge refers to a treatment that is designed to fill in the gap between missing teeth. It is a set of crowns that cover the gap, this fixture is called the abutment teeth. The dental bridge is attached to the teeth that are adjacent to the gap in order to replace the missing teeth.

Types of Dental Bridges

  1. Traditional Bridges
  2. Maryland Bonded Bridge
  3. Cantilever Bridges

Pros of Dental Bridges

Easy Procedure

No surgery is required for implanting dental bridges as compared to dental implants. This makes the procedure simpler and easier.


Just a few weeks and the dental procedure is completed, no downtime of 3 months to heal the bone is required.

Inexpensive treatment

Dental bridge can be a more affordable treatment as it does not involve any surgery. The price will vary and depend on the number of teeth that require a bridge, and your particular dental status.

Cons of Dental Bridges

Can feel unnatural

Dental bridges may not feel as natural as your other teeth. This varies from person to person.

Needs to be replaced

Depending on the wear and tear of your dental bridge,  the dental bridge may need to be replaced with a new set.

Natural teeth get damage

In order to attach the dental bridge, the adjacent tooth is prepared so the bridge can be attached on it. This preparation may damages the natural structure of the tooth in order to use a bridge. However, minimal damage is the goal. Your dentist will discuss if your teeth next to the tooth that needs to be replaced will have to be used as a support for you new bridge.

Which One Is Better?

While deciding which option is better for you, compare the pros and cons of both. This will help you evaluate both options and help identify which of the two truly satisfies your dental requirements. However, always consult your dentist to seek recommendations on the most suitable treatment based on your condition and situation. Call us at Angel Dental of El Monte at , 626-444-2002 for a consultation to help you find the right and best solution for your teeth.



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